Not quite 3 weeks ago Scott and I decided to move. Our main priority was a house with more living space; Eskil already has barely enough room to wiggle in our current house. We also liked the idea of being…
Category: House
‘Minor’ Renovations
They say one renovation often leads to another. . . When we had the floorboards done, we also planned to have the laundry tiled. It was nothing but horrible old vinyl, torn and worn. Just off the laundry, and actually…
I’ve been waiting for a few more things to be finalised, however as they probably won’t be for a few weeks – and when they are I’ll also want to post before and after photos of the laundry – I…
12 of 12, April 2011
I’m trying out yet another way of displaying the photos. For some annoying reason it’s showing the first 3 photos out of order and showing a photo I’ve deleted from Flickr, but whatever. Just click ‘Next’ to see the next…
Archaeology in the Kitchen
Following on from the work we did in 2007 (GAH! it was that long ago?), we have ripped up all the many layers of vinyl and linoleum in the kitchen. Next step will be to have the floorboards polished. The…
Windy Outside the House as Well
Hobart can be windy. Very windy. All our geocaches start of with ‘S42°’; we are in the roaring 40’s. But today’s wind was a bit strong even for Hobart, getting up to 120 kms per hour (75 miles…
The Moët et Chandon of Waters
Yes, that’s right, according to Lottie the sweet waters of Epernay actually spring up from our shower. Snuva thought so too, and when 2 out of 2 Schnauzers think the same thing it must be fact! What is this obsession…
What's Stupider Than Using a Mulcher in a Wind Storm?
That’s right, you guessed it – you don’t have to be a rocket surgeon to know the answer is: NOTHING. However that’s how I’ve spent most of the weekend.
Bathroom Reno: Day 16
Here we are, nothing but loose ends to tie up now! The plumber and sparky have visited, so by tomorrow everything will be ‘functioning’ in the bathroom! All that really needs doing now is touching up the walls in a…
Bathroom Reno: Days 14 & 15
this was pretty boring – my slaves worked in the bathroom for two days painting trim and door, but I wasn’t allowed in at all! Â Â Â Â Â Â Â