Category: House

Bathroom Reno: Day 13

Not much has changed in the room itself today.  The slaves took the wall cabinet and the door back outside so they could slave away chipping off paint. However I thought it appropriate that I torture my female slave by…

Bathroom Reno: Day 12

At this point, it is easier to say what is left to do than what has been done!  Once teh sparky has visited, the slaves have finished preparing and painting the door, wall cabinet, and window trip, and the vanity…

Bathroom Reno: Day 11

Detail, detail, detail!  One of the great things about Peter and Stuart’s work is the attention to detail.  Today they spend finishing up a lot of the tiling and grouting the shower.  And a lot of the tiling was around fiddly…

Bathroom Reno: Day 10

It is really taking shape!  And I’ll just quote Scott here: ‘It’s looking even better than I thought it would’. And it is true.  It’s strange, but on the first day Peter and Stuart started working – when they pulled…

Bathroom Reno: Day 9

Today was a big day – they’ve started tiling!  A panel heater and a glass screen have been put in as well!  My Schnauzer Space is really taking shape.  This part of the work is slow going – lots of detail,…

Bathroom Reno: Day 8

It is hard to tell from the photo, but progress HAS been made.  There are more coats of waterproofing (which is why the photo is taken from the door rather than the usual spot further in the room).  And measurements…

Bathroom Reno: Day 7

Today the slaves did two coats of top-coat on the walls and spent all their other time stripping paint from the door and small cabinet.  It made for a fairly boring day for me as I didn’t get to go out…

Bathroom Reno: Day 6

Have I mentioned before that Peter is an absolute prince?  Surely I have by now!  Today he demonstrated this by coming over to our place, a place he’s surely seen more than enough of lately, and sanding the walls!  On a…

Bathroom Reno: Day 5

Well, my female slave is still feeling awful, but the bathroom is looking fantastic!  The plasterer has been in, some waterproofing is happening – there’s lots of space in here to bounce my toys around!  So we’re putting a heater…

Bathroom Reno: Day 4

Another day of progress!  It’s looking much more like a room with the plasteboard up and floor looking better.  As Horus noted in his comment for yesterday’s post, I’m using Autostich to put approximately 25 photos together at the end…