Have I mentioned before that Peter is an absolute prince? Surely I have by now! Today he demonstrated this by coming over to our place, a place he’s surely seen more than enough of lately, and sanding the walls! On a Saturday! How many of you would like doing that on your Saturday?! And it’s not like he’s some lonely guy with nothing else to do – he has a lovely wife, Michelle, and is the Daddy of two very cute girls, Sophie and Emma (I like them so much I get very excited when I see them – which just might freak them out a bit – oops!). And he had gone out of his way to make sure my slaves put a heater on in the bathroom overnight so the plaster could dry, just so he could come over and sand! But I guess it was the only way he could get my slaves off their lazy bottoms and actually working on my room.
Today the slave started stripping the old paint off the door and the cabinet. They have MANY layers of paint, in many ‘interesting’ colour choices. They’re going back to white when this is all done! Once Peter had finished sanding (he looked a bit like a High Court judge there was so much dust in his hair), the slaves started on the undercoat. Watching them paint, I think I understand why Peter was willing to come in today; if they are this klutzy with nothing in the bathroom, what would they be like when all the fittings are there?! I could see all his careful work under splats of paint! Anyway, the female slave did the cutting in, and the HandsomeMan did the rolling. So the undercoat was soon on, and they were able to fee me in time to watch Iron Chef. Which is the important thing!