Category: Geocaching

Caught the Cache – #3!!

Well, Snuva caught the cache again – despite those tweets hiding it in a non-dog bird santuary! And your punishment is. . .hmmm, aloysius hasn’t logged this on yet! 😉

Jurassic Slaves

I’ve been waiting SUCH a long time for a day when the slaves were not tied up with other duties and the weather was such that I could risk sending two of my most valuable assets up the mountain, but…

Caught the Cache – again!

How frustrating!!! Caxixi was a polite cacher and left Catch the Cache #1 in easy lunchtime walking distance for the slaves. . .however as they had long standing lunch reservations to celebrate the fact the male slave had completed another…

Some stress, some caches. . .

Yesterday, neither Snuva or her female slave had very good days. Snuva was feeling ultra-social, and the slave was feeling completely non-social – so we thought getting out of the house was a good idea.

Dragon's Lair and Environs

Having made them put in a full day of gardening on Saturday, so on Sunday Snuva allowed her slaves to take her on a bushwalk. Usually having a cache in an area spurs Snuva to finally go to a place…

Day 24: Pisco

We were at Pisco today; took better part of an hour on a bus to get ot town from the port, we walked around a few blocks, then took thel ong bus ride back. When we got off the bus,…

Day 18: 2nd day at Rapa Nui/ Easter Island

Despite still feeling sick and being quite tired, my coughing and poor TS’s nose ensured I didn’t get much sleep. I gave up and went downstairs before 7 and waited in the lobby until tender tickets were available so that…

Day 17: 1st day at Rapa Nui/ Easter Island

I thought we would NEVER get here! I didn’t sleep well and hadn’t been feeling well, so I got up not long after 7am and went up to brekkie. Checked my GPSr; still 57 kilometres from Easter Island. Dad and…