Yesterday, neither Snuva or her female slave had very good days. Snuva was feeling ultra-social, and the slave was feeling completely non-social – so we thought getting out of the house was a good idea.
Caxixi has been putting some great caches out on little paths and in parks along the foreshore in the northern suburbs, so we decided to head out to the newest one – Windemere. This was exactly the therapy we needed! Snuva was able to socialise with other dogs, go for a swim, chew and chase sticks, sniff every blade of grass she could get her nose on, etc. The slave was able to sit and relax and just be alone to watch the sun setting and hear the wind rustling in the breeze. This cache had everything she needed – even a charity bin for the 3 bags of clothes various people at Snuva HQ had either grown out of or otherwise no longer wanted! She felt much more human again and ready to be social. We stopped by home to make certain we weren’t holding up dinner (the male slave was actually slaving in the garden and doing a great job – didn’t want to disturb that!), so off we went. . .
. . .to the DDTs newest, Save My Bacon. We knew there was no chance we’d have an FTF, especially as it’s in Swampy’s neighbourhood, not far from Caxixi, probably not far away for el golco, and just down and up a hill or two for the Cheesy Pigs, however we thought MAYBE we might bump into another cacher or two.
We made short work of finding the cache – took longer to get the log book out than find – then hung around in the hopes that we might see another cacher or two. It was not to be, and as the female slave was being bitten by mozzies and quickly descending back into her grump we decided to head home. Only then did we notice the rude signage!