Category: Caching misc

The Party's Over

                      My friend Harry left me last night.  I kept going to my slaves and letting them know something was wrong, but they kept thinking I wanted to go out to do dog business or wanted some food. …

Harry's Strange Propensities

Sigh.  Poor Harry.  He goes home to his slaves tonight, but I haven’t been able to tutor him much on caching as there are so many basics he just doesn’t seem to know yet!  For example, when it comes to sleeping,…

Tutoring Harry the Geopup

Harry the Geopup has a great idea to boost Fairly Magic’s stats:  he’s sent his entourage off to the mainland to scoop up a few caches, whilest the geopup has come to Snuva HQ for a 6 day Masterclass in…

How cool is Caught at Work?!?!?

C@W does all sorts of fun and fantastic stats on his website; now we can generate maps showing all our finds across the world on a map!  There are also maps available for all the Australian states and New Zealand. …

Arf, arf – new scarf!

I’m a very lucky Schnauzer, and a parcel arrived for me yesterday from chepup.  The parcel contained several cache containers, a book of Grand Canyon photos, a folding geocaching water bowl for drinkies out on the trail, and my lovely new…

Party clothes – check!

 I’m just back from what is probably my last clip of the summer (winter fashions this year will be warm and woolley), so I’m all ready to live it up at the Waterwells’ place for this weekend’s Fifth Birthday Bash…

It's official. . .

. . .those evil muggles destroyed Snuva’s plans to meet Ellie and plunder the caches of the NW coast. Female slave took the cacheMobile to the mechanic on the 4th hoping that we might get it back that afternoon (bags…

CacheMobile's 'Holiday'

I have been a bit busy during the break, and am therefore a little behind here, however I thought I’d let you all know that I am on to you!!! Think the secret of Snuva’s success is her fantastic cacheMobile,…