Party clothes – check!

Last clip of the summer I’m just back from what is probably my last clip of the summer (winter fashions this year will be warm and woolley), so I’m all ready to live it up at the Waterwells’ place for this weekend’s Fifth Birthday Bash geocache event! Harry was at my salon today too (he was being blow-dried when I waved my paw good-bye at him) so he should be all set too!!

The event is being held in honour of the 5th birthday of Jerry Medlin’s ‘North Tassie’ geocache, the first geocache set in Tasmania. So far it looks like there will be 12 teams and 8 geoPups there! And Netballer, TTE, Miss energizer, the cachingdynamo, and Piglet will all the there! I’m so excited I can hardly sleep!

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