I have been a bit busy during the break, and am therefore a little behind here, however I thought I’d let you all know that I am on to you!!! Think the secret of Snuva’s success is her fantastic cacheMobile, eh?? Think a little joy ride will help you score a few of your nemisis caches? Think I left the coordinates to Hobart-Hobart TransPacific Part B in the glove box????
Anyway, yes, the cacheMobile was stolen by muggle or muggles unkown (I’m sure none of you really did it) Wednesday evening/Thursday morning. Sigh. Call our local pigs, check – no, we’re fine the GPS, PDA, digital camera, etc are in the house. Sigh. My harness and leads were in the van, the female slave’s walking boots, Gore-Tex, camping gear. . .and what about our camping trip up north next week?! Friday arvo. . .and a call from the Hobart pigs. . .cacheMobile has be found! The slaves recovered it. . .the tread of one of the brand new tyres was hooned off (and stuck in the wheel well), the gears are a bit sorry for themselves. . .but they didn’t even take my lead and harness????!!!! Think what they could have gotten for them on eBay!!! Oh well, at least once we’ve visited the mechanic the trip north should still be on!!!
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