Category: Human stuff

12 of 12, November 2011

Today we headed down to Franklin in the Huon Valley so Eskil could visit his Poppy Bony and Nanny Patsy.  I’m much too tired to actually edit these to 12 photos, so here’s a 20 of 12 for you. 😛 The…

Three Months Old

Woosh – woosh – woosh!!  In the blink of an eye Eskil has turned 3 months old.  I really wish time would just slow down already! Eskil’s awesomest new skill is laughing.  He thinks it’s hilarious when his mum or…

12 of 12, October 2011

Can you believe this is the third 12 of 12 with Eskil?!  He was 9 weeks 4 days old for it.  It certainly shows my new routine now that daddy is back at work.  I make sure Eskil and I…

Two Months Old

Sigh. Eskil’s done it again; he’s a month older! He’s growing at an impossible pace. In general he’s doing more of the same – and I really mean more. Awake more, aware of more, moving more. He can purposefully bash…

12 of 12, September 2011

This was our second 12 of 12 with our son, Eskil Magnus. He was 5 weeks and 2 days old. It was a fairly low key day spent mostly around the house, but with an outing to a dog park…

One Month Old

It’s happened: my little bub Eskil turned one month old yesterday.  It seems both impossible he’s that old, yet impossible to remember life before he was born. I don’t want him to grow up, but there’s already evidence he’s growing…

‘Minor’ Renovations

They say one renovation often leads to another. . . When we had the floorboards done, we also planned to have the laundry tiled. It was nothing but horrible old vinyl, torn and worn. Just off the laundry, and actually…

12 of 12, August 2011

This 12 of 12 is like no other as 6 days before I gave birth to our son, Eskil Magnus. This was Eskil’s 2nd day at home after leaving hospital on Wednesday the 10th. And our friends Mundoo and FlitterbyG…