Category: Human stuff

12 of 12, January 2010

A rather dismal 12 of 12! Not only was it a grey, rainy day, but I was ill. So lots of photos in my bedroom. Remember, to see the titles and description, press ‘Show Info’ in the upper right. And…

12 of 12, December 2010

Despite being a weekend, it’s not a very exciting 12 of 12.  However as a post representing what my Sundays are like lately it probably does a fairly decent job! I wasn’t feeling well in the morning, so this was…

If You Are Reading This. . .

. . .I’m on holiday!  The husband and I have taken a quick jaunt to the mainland.  So my 12 of 12 will be a little late.  It might feature the Great Ocean Road, or the Grampians, or who something…

Sun, Fun, and Blood

I’m going to blame @DelBoy1203.  He was giving me some crap about not updating this blog, and I said I didn’t have much happening.  We have lots going on in the garden, which I document at Lottie’s Lot, but with more…

12 of 12, October 2010

The day wasn’t a great one for me.  I almost didn’t post this day, but I have photos so why not, I guess.  12 of 12 captures random days, some that are just like any other day (which may be…

Archaeology in the Kitchen

Following on from the work we did in 2007 (GAH! it was that long ago?), we have ripped up all the many layers of vinyl and linoleum in the kitchen. Next step will be to have the floorboards polished. The…

12 of 12: September 2010

Another month, another 12 of 12.  This one on a Sunday, but a Sunday full of visiting and trying to track down sheep poo for the garden.  Although we would be heading for the dog beach later in the morning,…

Walking to Work: Late Winter Edition

Walking to work each morning is still such a pleasure.  Yes, we’ve had a dry winter and will probably be feeling it come summer, but it’s meant we’ve hardly had any days we couldn’t walk to work because of inclement weather. …

12 of 12, August 2010

Another boring work day 12 of 12. The most exciting thing about the day is we had lots of rain and wind the day before (it’s been a DRY winter!) and the weather was still a little unstable today. If…