Walking to work each morning is still such a pleasure. Yes, we’ve had a dry winter and will probably be feeling it come summer, but it’s meant we’ve hardly had any days we couldn’t walk to work because of inclement weather. And as we approach the end of winter, we have more an more daylight. (In Australia, spring starts 1 September.) Wonderful! This has seemed an exceptionally dark winter for me. Now when we head off from Cornelian Bay the sun has usually already risen above the hills on the eastern shore. But seeing the same beautiful scenery in different moods is great.
Just before we get to the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, there’s a section where we have to change from being on the track right on the shore to the railroad or bike track. Right about here there are always lots of broken mussel shells and bird droppings. Do birds use this gravelly area to break and eat mussels?
We also sometimes go through the botanical gardens now. The lower gate opens at 8 am, so if we’re headed in early it will still be closed, but usually it’s open when we go past. At this time of year the gates close long before we go past coming home, so it’s still just a treat we get in the morning. Because we have to divert around Government House one way or another, although going through the botanical gardens seems a dog leg it’s actually the same distance as going around the other side closer to the bridge (see GPS track at the bottom of this post). Obviously it’s lovely going through the gardens.

Birds always hide as soon as I get my camera out, so I was excited to get a few shots the other day.
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