Category: Little Spark

Road Trip!!

We haven’t been further afield than visits to Scott’s parents in Franklin since Eskil was born.  So we decided to do a short trip up to Launceston to visit a friend and see how Eskil went.  We just went up…

Eight Months Old

Eskil is another month old.  I wish the months weren’t zipping by so quickly.  Really.  But they are, and probably because I am having so much fun.  Eskil is a giggly, happy boy. A few new things in Eskil’s life:…

SEVEN Months Old

It hit me the other day: I’m more than halfway through my maternity leave.  🙁  I enjoy my time with my son so very, very much.  It is all engrossing and hard work, but what a wonderful ‘boss’ he is. …


Crazy, I know! The most exciting part of Eskil’s 5th month was his MorMor was here for all of it. That deserves a post on its own to talk about what we got up to, but for now I’ll just…


What an eventful week it’s been for Eskil! Rolling, turning 5 months, Mor Mor coming to visit. Then this morning at brunch at the farmers’ market he was showing definite interest in my BLT. They recommend starting solids when bub…

FIVE Months Old

That’s right; Eskil is yet another month older! It’s been another big month of being more coordinated, chatting more, and enjoying flying above mum and dad’s heads.  He practises standing on laps while he’s being held and sitting with some…


Eskil’s been on the verge of rolling for over a week.  He’s been so close to rolling for over a week – so close that it seemed like like it was more effort to not roll that last little but…

FOUR Months Old

Sigh.  Yet another month has quickly slipped by while we’ve been having fun. Eskil is the princling of singing.  He loves to sing and laugh and chat.  We had a couple grotty days recently – perhaps a growth spurt? – but they really…

Three Months Old

Woosh – woosh – woosh!!  In the blink of an eye Eskil has turned 3 months old.  I really wish time would just slow down already! Eskil’s awesomest new skill is laughing.  He thinks it’s hilarious when his mum or…