I’ve been waiting for it to happen ever since I moved to Tasmania and it finally has: my friends Lye Yee and Clayton have come to visit Hobart! It was a fairly short visit, plus Liam’s afternoon nap meant we…
Category: Life in Tasmania
Visitors from the Mainland
It will seem odd to begin a post with that title by showing a photo of Lottie.  However in order to not suffer from Extreme Dog Guilt, if I’m going out at night I like Lottie to join me at work during…
Hobart During the Holidays
Although most offices are closed, there’s always a lot going on near the Hobart wharf and Salamanca from Boxing Day until just after the new year. The Sydney – Hobart yacht race leaves Sydney on Boxing Day, and the…
A Destructive Christmas Eve Morning Walk
Christmas Eve – the last day of work until 5 January 2009 – hooray! And it’s not much of a work day; Lottie will be in the office and we’ll all goof off and eat food – double hooray! Scott’s…
Work Christmas Lunch
                     Our work Christmas lunch wasn’t all that great last year. Nothing had been organised, so we wound up just going to the closest pub, the New Sydney. The food wasn’t great, and it was too…
Another Monday Evening at Cornelian Bay
Well the summer solstice has come and gone, so although it’s only just feeling like summer – and the hottest days are ahead of us – our days will start being shorter. Being a Monday, we went down to Cornelian…
Schnauzer Fashions, Summer '08-'09
           No, I don’t groom Lottie myself. I used to clip Snuva myself sometimes, however she seemed to instantly grow about 18 more legs and have several acres more hair than she should have. Then of course I’d…
Bikies, not Buddhists
Although it started a bit unusually (getting out of bed before 9 am and allowing a vampire to steal some blood), there were fewer surprises during my wanderings around town today than yesterday. Scott was meeting up with some old…
Buddha Comes to Hobart
I was just going about my business at lunch running errands, and the police had Collins Street closed off. A quick glance down the street revealed tinsel-decked vehicles, so I thought I was about to have a Close Encounter with Christmas…