Category: Geocaching

New Year’s Trip & January 2005

Thursday, 30 December With Christmas over, a friend’s hen’s night celebrated, and The Taste tasted (several times) Snuva finally found herself with most of her holiday social obligations ticked off and her slaves FINALLY able to get on the road…

December 2004

Although we had hoped to get to it on the way back from the Devil’s Day Out, it was actually a few weeks before we could attempt TeamTweeti’s first cache. We left our first attempt with nothing but scratches, scrapes,…

The Devil’s Day Out Weekend

Just like Christmas, it was hard to believe the day would ever come, but finally the sun came up on the Devil’s Day Out, Tassie’s first event cache! After leaving later than planned, we were greeted by orac7000 and the…

Mid November – the big 5-0!

No caches in the Hobart area for Snuva to find except for The Dragon’s Lair, which Snuva isn’t equipped for, and Malbena pleases the princess by setting his first cache! We attempted it on Sunday, however were unable to get…

October 2004 – Last Weekend of the Month

Saturday There aren’t many caches in the south Snuva hasn’t’ yet done, but after last weekend’s excitement it would be too much of a let-down not to do any! So off we went down the Huon. We did some reconnaissance…

Last weekend of the month

After our blitz of the north to escape Hobart Show weekend, we coming up pretty quickly on 50 finds! On Saturday my slaves and I headed down the Huon and on to the Airwalk cache. We hunted and hunted and…

Hobart Show Day Long Weekend!

Or shall I say the ‘Escape from Hobart Show Day Long Weekend’? Snuva and her entourage left Hobart late in the morning of Thursday the 21st with northern caches in their sights. Thursday 21 October First cache under attack was…

Early October 2004

Snuva spent the first Saturday of the month doing some reconnaissance for her next cache, The Cliffs of Insanity. It still hasn’t been set yet though; Dogs on the Domain was Sunday the 3rd and she couldn’t disappoint her public!…

August 2004

Nothing much went on in July other than some research for future caches, which pays off in early August with A Walker Tour of Hobart. This is Snuva’s favourite cache that she has set so far. A multi cache with…

June 2004

Snuva decides to take some time away at her New Town holiday house, so HandsomeMan surprises the mere human with a trip to Melbourne for her birthday! And how do they fill in their time? Trips to the National Gallery…