Maybe this doesn’t make for the most exciting post in the world, but I thought I may as well write something other than a 12 of 12 post!
The husband was never keen on going to the gym, but lately he’s been part of a global corporate challenge team at work so has been getting competitive about how many steps he takes per day. So last month he started walking to and from work. I wasn’t accompanying him then as I was busy getting every cold in existence (from @croyle I’m certain), and whenever I did try to accompany him the cold air hitting my sore throat would send me into coughing fits. Then on the 17th of June, the husband turned his ankle. It swelled up double in size and was VERY painful. He refused to go to hospital that night, but the next day we wound up in Calvary’s emergency so he could have it looked at. It wasn’t broken, but he had a bad sprain and was on crutches.
After a few weeks of physio, he now has the all-clear to start walking to work again. As I’m over the Death Cold From Hell (via @croyle), I’ve been joining him. It’s certainly much more beautiful than the gym! Last week we started off parking at the Crossroads on the Queens Domain and taking the Soldiers Memorial Walk in to the city.
Walking to Work via the Soldiers Memorial WalkWalking to Work via the Soldiers Memorial Walk
As lovely as the drive in to work is, it can’t beat this!
This week we’ve been walking from Cornelian Bay, on the track along the Derwent to Pavilion Point where we switch to the track skirting Government House along the Queens Domain, then along and past the Aquatic Centre, and at the Railway Roundabout the husband and I part ways to our different buildings.
Walking to Work from Cornelian Bay
This is even more beautiful. Our walking track, the railroad tracks, the intercity cycleway, and the Domain Highway all run parallel, but we’re closest to the water and well separated from the smell of cars. It only takes about an hour – I’m sure if I could stop taking photos it would be even less (but I can’t see that happening).
At this time of year at this latitude, most of our walking happens before the sun rises over the hills on the Eastern shore and certainly after sunset. However as we’re past longest night the days are getting, slowly but surely, longer. Yesterday the official sunset time was 17:00 – hooray!
Walking from Cornelian Bay, we can keep to mostly dirt tracks (at one point the husband was using the cycle track, and that was much harder on his feet and tendons) and aren’t too close to traffic, so we’ll probably keep doing this rather than starting at home. Starting at home means doing some not-so-fun-or-pretty walking on paved footpaths next to traffic.
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