Subtitle: Why I’m Not My Son’s Best Friend Some of the many reasons I am not my son’s best friend: I pointed out a crane to him to make certain he saw it as he loves cranes. However that made…
Category: Uncategorized
Euro14 Day 33: York
Temperature: Min 17°C; Max 23°C. Weather: Lovely. Hot, rain, sun, cloud. York! After the Tour de France mucked up visiting York with my parents earlier in the trip, it was nice to finally have a day to visit. I lived…
Melbourne, Day 4, 5, and 6
As I’d mentioned at the end of the post for Day 3, at 5 pm on that day I had to report to the hospital. Unfortunately, our whole reason for going to Melbourne was that I had to have a…
Yes, this post is being posted almost two weeks late; I’ve been ill so haven’t been on the computer much at all. It is crazy that he is 11 months old – and insane that he is almost a year…
Hunt and Munch 2012
Pjamesk hosted the Hunt and Munch 2012 event on Saturday, and we had a blast. The morning started out a bit stressful for me. I had to wake up extra early to pump in time to get to the start of…
Caching at Risdon Brook Dam
Another caching, chatting bushwalk with Cathy! Three finds: two traditionals and a puzzle final. [slickr-flickr id=”21284831@N00″ api key=”916a33914a83be0bcdfd314f95d72d55 ” tag=RisdonBrookDam descriptions=on captions=on sort=date flickr_link=on autoplay=off type=galleria delay=10 size=m640]
The Coffee Monster is Dead; Long Live the Coffee Monster!!
19 January: I woke up when Eskil said it was time to, stumbled downstairs in my normal bleary-eyed state, got Eskil his feed, and turned on my beloved coffee monster which my beloved husband had already loaded up with freshly…
Mor Mor Is Here!
Eskil’s Mor Mor* has arrived to visit Eskil for a month and to meet Lottie! * Swedish for grandma or mother’s mother.
10 Toes; 10 Days Old!
10 Toes; 10 Days Old!, originally uploaded by Snuva.
Weirdest (and AWESOMEST) Night EVER
When posting my 12 of 12 I realised I drafted this over two weeks ago but forgot to post it! I’ll adjust the date and put it in its ‘proper’ place after the weekend. Friday night was the awesomest night…