12 of 12, December 2011

Can you believe that this is the last 12 of 12 for 2011?! It seems absolutely insane how quickly time is passing now that Eskil is on the outside. This 12 of 12 was of a typical day in my new life as Eskil’s mum on maternity leave. Scott was at work but had done lovely things like get coffee ready for me before he left. I spent the day with my boy and my darling Lottie, who continues to carry the role of family dog stunningly well. I bet this time next year she and Eskil will be doing all sorts of things together! The three of us went to the dog park and ran some errands. At the dog park we also let loose Snuva’s entry in the Geocaching Australia Leap Frog moveable geocache race, Better Froggy Than Never. Other than that we were home seeing to Eskil’s needs – food, sleep, and play. Oh yeah – and Alan Kohler’s tie; oh dear!

The guy who started the project blogs here; these photos are also up on Flickr here.

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