12 of 12 August 2013

12 of 12 is a project I’ve been doing for several years: taking 12 photos of your day on the 12th of every month.  Sometimes the 12th falls on a special day; sometimes the 12th falls on just a normal day you wouldn’t otherwise document.  However even ‘just a normal’ day can be interesting to other people or to yourself later on.  This is my 52nd 12 of 12!

The 12th of August 2013 was a Monday.  It was a work day, and a work day FULL of meetings so there weren’t many photos during the day.  We delivered Eskil – and some cupcakes so his room could celebrate last week’s birthday – to day care, then I headed into the office.  This is the start of his first week full-time at this day care.  I already miss the Lenah Valley centre.

There was one thing that made this day momentous: Scott signed a contract to sell his house!

I’ve displayed the photos below individually and in Flickr’s slideshow.  I’m happy for feedback on which is best!

1 of 12: How can I make coffee if I haven't made coffee??

1 of 12: How can I make coffee if I haven’t made coffee??
For some unknown reason, I woke up at 3:45 and couldn’t get back to sleep. Just after 6 I thought I may as well take Lottie for a walk – and then a heavy rain shower came! So I decided to get the coffee machine ready – usually Scott makes the morning coffee. And I was the klutzy me and spilled coffee EVERYWHERE.

2 of 12: Angel's Trumpet

2 of 12: Angel’s Trumpet
A beautiful tree – but literally deadly. We’re going to remove it. 🙁 If you are in Hobart and would like a cutting, contact me soon!!

3 of 12: Extravagant Errands

3 of 12: Extravagant Errands
As we’ve had 3 mortgages since buying our house we haven’t spent much money. On Wednesday, settlement should take place on my property! So damn the expense – I bought a mini spatula, mini whisk, and peppercorns. I really wish we had a Spatula City here! 😉

4 of 12: Stairs

4 of 12: Stairs
Heading down the stairs in my office building. Sometimes I think people forget you can use stairs!

5 of 12: Construction on levels 1 & 2

5 of 12: Construction on levels 1 & 2
With the redevelopment of Parliament Square, some offices in that area need to move. The first and second floors of my building are being refitted for the use of some of the offices that need to be relocated.

6 of 12: Cupcakes ready for day care

6 of 12: Cupcakes ready for day care
Flowers from our garden on some; letters I cut from fondant on others.

7 of 12: A contract signed to sell Scott's house!!!

7 of 12: A contract signed to sell Scott’s house!!!
Settlement on the sale of my house should be Wednesday (fingers crossed!), and today Scott received an offer on his and signed the contract!!! Soon we will have only 1 small mortgage instead of 3!! 🙂

8 of 12: Spring is coming!

8 of 12: Spring is coming!
Not only are trees blooming, but it is actually sorta light after I leave my office. 🙂

9 of 12: Lottie following me everywhere :-)

9 of 12: Lottie following me everywhere 🙂
I have trouble these days photographing Lottie because she is usually SO CLOSE to me. I went into the hallway to head to the bathroom for a bath. She doesn’t follow into the bathroom unless she knows I’ll be on the toilet; she doesn’t want to risk a bath.

10 of 12: Iggle Piggle

10 of 12: Iggle Piggle
Eskil has taken to In the Night Garden like a something to something very addictive.

11 of 12: HA!

11 of 12: HA!
Eskil was SO EXCITED to be watching ‘In the Night Garden’. He seemed to have an immediate connection with it from the first time he saw it. I think it’s creepy.

12 of 12: Celebration

12 of 12: Celebration
Scott signed a contract to sell his house today! 😀

Note: You can turn on photo titles and descriptions (I don’t seem to be able to make that the default).  You can also have the photos display backwards – since Flickr has decided to display them backwards already.  :-/

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