Christmas Eve Arvo / Evening

LottieA Christmas eve miracle happened this year: Scott didn’t have to work the whole afternoon!  We left work at around 2 pm and met up in the Elizabeth Street mall.  Lottie was admired by many people (of course).  Feeling free after being released from work until the new year, Scott dropped Lottie & I off at Cornelian Bay to give Lottie a run while he went to Coles.  It was warm and beautiful, and Lottie of course had a great time.  I thought I there might be some people headed back from the Useless Art geocache, but it seems they were just muggles enjoying low tide.

Christmas Eve, Cornelian Bay


We had a bit of a relax at home, and eventually I made dinner (rösti with smoked salmon for Scott / mushrooms & spinach for me).  The it was time for our traditional Christmast eve activities: the wrapping of pressies & exchange of gifts.  I LOVE wrapping presents, so usually do Scott’s as well.  Then Scott & I exchanged gifts.  Scott gave me some lovely earrings from the Danish shop (and I have the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency DVD on the way from the UK); I gave Scott 2 yakuta.

It never feels very Christmasy here to me.  It’s a bit more low-key here than other places, which is completely fine with me, however Christmas shouldn’t be in the summer.  That’s just wrong.  Nazgul’s Christmas looks MUCH more like it!  Christmas lights aren’t that big a thing here, however in an attempt to feel even slightly in the mood I suggested we take a drive to a street nearby that usually goes a bit crazy.  In the past the display has gone across several houses and is visited by lots of people.  Of course being at 42° south, there are usually pyjamaed children, up well past their bedtime so it’s dark enough to see the lights.  So we had a drive (much to Lottie’s delight), and there wasn’t much to see.  The street that used to have such a huge display had only one house that had gone stupid with the decorations.  Oh well.  And when we got home, Scott realised I’d forgotten to make chocolate mousse for lunch at his parents’ place.  So at 11.30 pm, I moussed some chocolate so Scott could get through the door.  Hmm.

Christmas Lights       Christmas Lights