Category: 2010 South Australia

SA 2010 Day 3: Caching to Hindmarsh Island

Today was a bit of an up-and-down day. It started out fantastically well, with FlitterbyG, mundoo and I having a relaxed wake-up then packing up so we could all spend the next two nights at mundoo’s place on Hindmarsh Island.…

SA 2010: Day 2, Pub Lunch and Geocaching!

You know how you usually don’t sleep well when you’re away from home?  Well I didn’t have that problem!  I slept like a dead thing.  If anyone’s going to be staying at FlitterbyG’s, I can highly recommend the middle bedroom. …

SA 2010: Day 1, Ikea

Rather more spontaneously then I usually do things, I decided to take a trip to South Australia to visit a few friends.  And so I found myself at Adelaide airport at noon, deplaning and coming face-to-face with my friends Vicki…