An Evening of Silliness (and caching) with MullinitOvr

I was in Launceston to conduct some training, so of course stayed with the lovely MullinitOvr.  We spent the entire evening being silly but were able to squeeze a few geocache finds in as well.  It was a great evening with no DNFs, and we even found 3 MullititOvr/Snuva nemesis caches!  This post is long overdue, plus I’ve heard that imitation is the greatest form of flattery, so I’ve made use of a GSAK macro from Jardry to squeeze the cache info and my logs out of GSAK into a neat little table for you (with the addition of which # find it was).

Looking at the cache details summarised like this has made me think some of the owners may wish to review D/T ratings.  I also realise how repetitive/cut ‘n paste log-ish my ‘thank you’ at the end looks, however I did want to thank the owners for each of these caches as I had fun at each of them. . .and at least I didn’t just log it with a TFTC.  A discussion for another time (or not).

Tea in a Storm Cup

Cache Details
GC1K9QE by madchilli
S 41° 26.697 E 147° 11.031
Difficulty is 1 and Terrain is 1
Cache type is Traditional
Container size is Small
It was hidden on: 1/01/2009
Snuva found it on:16/02/2009
1st of 11 findsFirst find of an evening out caching with MullinitOver. She had already found this one, so I think she was hoping I would have trouble so she could sit back with a knowing smile and mock me. However I found it easily – although getting the cammo off as a 2-cacher job!

Thank you for the cache!

Valley Views

Cache Details
GC19HAE by michaels mob
S 41° 27.185 E 147° 09.082
Difficulty is 1.5 and Terrain is 1.5
Cache type is Traditional
Container size is Small
It was hidden on: 20/02/2008
Snuva found it on:16/02/2009
2nd of 11 finds1st of the Snuva/MullinitOvr nemesis caches to fall of the night! How did I find this one so quickly when we’ve searched so long before and not found it? I’m certain we’d looked there before! Could it be we actually need to cache in daylight? No, surely not.

Thank you for the cache.


Cache Details
GA1083 by robtas
S 41° 27.322 E 147° 09.082
Difficulty is 1 and Terrain is 1.5
Cache type is Traditional
Container size is Small
It was hidden on: 27/04/2008
Snuva found it on:16/02/2009
3rd of 11 findsFound while out caching with MullinitOvr. Too bad my pooch wasn’t with us; MIO really needs to get a schnauzer!

Thank you for the cache!


Cache Details
GA1084 by robtas
S 41° 27.838 E 147° 07.893
Difficulty is 1.5 and Terrain is 1.5
Cache type is Traditional
Container size is Small
It was hidden on: 27/04/2008
Snuva found it on:16/02/2009
4th of 11 findsFound while out caching with MullinitOvr. I found it once we resorted to the hint and decided not to trust the GZ 2 GPSrs agreed upon!

Thank you for the cache.

Scout it Out!!

Cache Details
GC1KPKV by michaels mob
S 41° 27.999 E 147° 07.517
Difficulty is 1.5 and Terrain is 2
Cache type is Traditional
Container size is Small
It was hidden on: 12/01/2009
Snuva found it on:16/02/2009
5th of 11 findsFound while out caching with MullinitOvr. Found easily, even though the hall was full of real scouts!

Thank you for the cache.

Dry Forest

Cache Details
GC1A63R by michaels mob
S 41° 28.261 E 147° 06.965
Difficulty is 1.5 and Terrain is 2
Cache type is Traditional
Container size is Small
It was hidden on: 12/03/2008
Snuva found it on:16/02/2009
6th of 11 findsFound while out having a brilliant evening of caching with MullinitOvr. We took the more interesting track in but found GZ quite easily. A muggle and her canine passed by while we were there, but she was easily passified with the ‘taking photos for a class’ excuse. (I doubt the canine was as easily fooled!)

Thank you for the cache.


Cache Details
GA1082 by robtas
S 41° 27.341 E 147° 07.984
Difficulty is 1 and Terrain is 1.5
Cache type is Traditional
Container size is Small
It was hidden on: 27/04/2008
Snuva found it on:16/02/2009
7th of 11 findsFound while out caching with MullinitOvr. I was most impressed with the veggie garden over the fence – and most happy to head downhill after the find!

Thank you for the cache.

Granville Reserve

Cache Details
GC1MKW6 by michaels mob
S 41° 27.428 E 147° 08.225
Difficulty is 1.5 and Terrain is 2.5
Cache type is Traditional
Container size is Small
It was hidden on: 9/02/2009
Snuva found it on:16/02/2009
8th of 11 findsFound while out caching with MullinitOvr. I was most impressed with the veggie garden over the fence – and most happy to head downhill after the find!

Thank you for the cache.


Cache Details
GC1850R by michaels mob
S 41° 26.400 E 147° 08.444
Difficulty is 1.5 and Terrain is 1.5
Cache type is Traditional
Container size is Micro
It was hidden on: 27/12/2007
Snuva found it on:16/02/2009
9th of 11 findsFound while out caching with MullinitOvr. I found it fairly quckly in a spot I know I’ve  checked in the past, so I wonder if it has suffered cache creep and the owner wasn’t looking in the ‘new’ spot?

Thank you for the cache.

Techno View

Cache Details
GA1197 by 5commer3
S 41° 28.607 E 147° 10.285
Difficulty is 1 and Terrain is 1
Cache type is Traditional
Container size is Regular
It was hidden on: 24/08/2008
Snuva found it on:16/02/2009
10th of 11 findsPenultimate find while out caching with MullinitOvr. Found quickly by MullinitOvr in the moonlight.

Thank you for the cache!


Cache Details
S 41° 28.562 E 147° 08.503
Difficulty is 2 and Terrain is 2
Cache type is Traditional
Container size is Small
It was hidden on: 22/12/2008
Snuva found it on:16/02/2009
11th of 11 findsLast find of an evening out caching with MullinitOvr. We were lucky as the gates were not only open, but we also didn’t get locked in! It was good that it was a nice, easy find as it was well after dark and neither of us had a working torch!

Thank you for the cache.

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