Today was quite an overcast day. Eskil has conjunctivitis and despite feeling much better than he did yesterday, it’s such a contagious, nasty thing that I don’t want to take him to playground. So unfortunately all he could do to run of energy was to drive me bonkers. It was a stressful day.
We leave for Europe in less than a week, so you’d expect a lot of trip prep photos. HAHAHAHAHAH!!
Temperature: minimun 9C; maximum 12.4 C
Sunrise 7:38 am; sunset 4:42 pm

2 of 12: Ready for his haircut. This was a stressful haircut! Scott had to head off to work, so the first time there was only one of us to cajole and brace him during the haircut, plus the brilliant barber has retired. It’s not a brilliant haircut, but no one lost and ear or a finger, so I’m calling it a success.

4 of 12: Making a sort of bed for Monkey. We actually played around with checking out how lighter and heavier things worked with the blanket pulled between the couch and ottoman.

8 of 12: Scott’s lunch, confit duck pancake with maple dijon bacon, fried egg, and a lemon and pickled onion salad