Small spark of good from the bushfires

Well, who would have guessed that there could be anything good about the horrible bush fires near Wielangta?  We received a phone call last night from someone who hasn’t left his property for a week as he needs to be there to defend it from the bush fires raging all around him.  He phoned because a firie had been doing back burning on his property and found Scott’s backpack abandoned in the padock.  The backpack had been stolen from our cacheMobile while we were setting The Point, and the only thing of value in it is his passport.  The passport’s already been reported missing to DFAT, but at least it has been recovered.

Honestly, I find it amazing that this man bothered, in the middle of worrying about bush fires, to look us up and let Scott know his passport and backpack were safe.  I hope he and his family keep safe as well.

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