Lottie's a clever girl!

Today Lottie and I went for her first obedience class.  I’ve wanted to start her ever since she came to us, however first I wanted her to be better socialised.  When she first came to Tassie she was just so timid and uncertain of herself.  Plus she didn’t seem to realise that non-schnauzers were actually dogs too.  In her previous life it seems the only thing she needed to know how to do was walk nicely on the lead, so we started with sit, etc.

So today was the big day.  We’d be putting in some new climbing roses (gardening – I know!) so I was running a bit late, but not to worry.  We signed up – I bragged about Snuva’s achievements in Agility (blue ribbon in her grade test, thank you very much!) – and we were off to class.  Lottie didn’t seem to be embarassed being the new kid in the class; mostly she was interested in any bits of mud on the ground (lots – the area had been airated recently) or bits of treats that had been dropped (lots – this was a dog training area after all!).  It was just the beginner class, so if was all fairly basic, however Lottie did REALLY well!  There were some things I hadn’t been doing with her – just as there were things she knows that weren’t done in the class – but I was quite impressed with her.  She’s not quite the brightest Schnauzer I’ve ever known, but she did almost as well as some of the dogs that have been there for a while and are ready to pass their test.

As a reward for both of us, after class we went and hit to geocaches.  Two finds, no DNFs, great stuff!