19 Months Old – a post by Eskil

I am 19 months old!  I have decided I’m big enough to write my own post.

The most exciting part of the last month was my MorFar!

Here are my ratings for things in my life:

  • When MorFar arrived he had lots of presents from him and MorMor, including a great Japanese drum and the Velveteen Rabbit!  I love the Velveteen Rabbit – and MorFar really makes it come alive in a ticklishiest way.  Check out Velvet and I on Flickr.
    Rating: Velvet, Velvet, Velvet!!!!
  • We visited some fun places with MorFar, such as Port Arthur, the Tessellated Pavement, and the Peppermit Bay Restaurant.  My favourite thing at each of these place?  Stairs.  Walking down them, climbing up them – stairs!
    Rating: Eskillent! A big shout out to stairs for being awesome!!
  • Big props to my parents who SOMETIMES let me play with their phones.  I’m very good a holding them to my ear and saying ‘hello’ and I’m better at flicking through and zooming in and out of photos than daddy is.  Note how it is only SOMTEIMES that I’m allowed the phones though?  It really should be all the time!
    Rating:  Not bad, but room for improvement.
  • Mum has finally decided that when she buys clothes for me durability is almost as important as colour and style.  This is important as I need to do ALL THE THINGS!
    Rating: honourable mention.
  • Mum and dad let me run around the courtyard and open and close the back door fairly frequently these days.  This is awesome!  I need to do this more.  I’m learning how to use the broom, pour buckets of water over myself, and gift everyone with leaves.  However why do you pick me up when I try to jump up and down on the chairs or climb onto the table?!
    Rating: mostly good, but with key areas for improvement.
  • I’m much more aware of where people are, but sometimes this leaves me concerned or even upset.  For example, MorFar has disappeared.  I’m sure he must still be somewhere like in his bed or the sitting room, but when I ask about him mummy and daddy say he was visiting and has gone home to be with MorMor in California.  What is this ‘visiting’ and ‘California’?  Why won’t MorFar just come out of his room?
    Rating:  needs improvement.
  • Sometimes mummy lets me be King of the Spoon.  She should do it more though – I’m really more a full-time king.  Oh yeah – and the pesky food should get onto the spoon instead of betraying me and remaining in the bowl.
    Rating: Poor – get going!
  • My nose obsession is branching out to other parts of the body.  I like poking mummy’s eyes!  She tries to close them, which is kinda silly as I’m not saying ‘eye lid’.
    Rating: improving.  I can’t wait to learn to say ‘earring’!
  • I love to grabbing mummy’s finger or thumb and leading her to do things for me – usually to let me through a door or a gate.  However if she doesn’t come or do what I want I can get a bit upset.  To get the point across I might have to resort to crying, flopping down on the beanbag, or running in frustration.
    Rating: needs improvement – big time!
  • Swimming has started up again for the year!
    Rating: splashing!
  • I have landed a job at another toy testing place (others call it ‘day care’)!  I now go there two days per week and go to my other testing place for the other 3 days.  The good things at the new place are:  lots of dirt, keyboards I get to play with, and bikes I can ride.  But I’m still happy to go to the other place too as I have the educators trained to know I’m the specialist boy.  And I get to eat food mummy made for me at the old place.
    Rating: I’m doing a great job at toy testing.
  • Blueberries are so last month!  I haven’t settled on my new favourite food, but I love green chicken mole, banana bread, pasta, etc.  Delicious mummy-made food.  Oooh – which reminds me of something mummy’s been telling me to try that I now love: MAZARINER!!
    Rating: Buuurrrrppp.

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