14 Months Old

Yes, more whinging from me about yet another month passing.  Eskil is growing and growing. It’s been yet another crazy month as we have been packing and cleaning the house to get ready to put it up for sale. This is not a simple thing with an adventurous little boy like Eskil; basically mummy just watches him and only gets things done during his naps or when daddy is watching him and resting up from lugging furniture and boxes.  Luckily Scott has gotten a lot done!

A few new things in Eskil’s life:

  • Eskil is still cruising around the furniture.  He occasionally doesn’t realise he’s doing it and will stand unassisted for a little bit or walk a step between things he’s grabbing onto.  He LOVES it when we hold his hands and help him walk around; it makes him giggle.  Eskil also likes to come up behind me when I’m doing things in the kitchen, grab onto the back of my legs, and stand up.  Then we can walk around the kitchen together with me pretending I don’t know where he is. He also grabs onto Lottie to walk (a bad idea!) or pulls out a dining room chair he can move around.  Especially with us moving, I’m in no rush for him to be running around! 
  • ‘Where’s Eskil’/ peekaboo is still a favourite game.  Eskil has invented a new version of it where he sits at our feet when we are sitting on a chair and hides from view by pushing our legs together – then revels himself by pulling our legs apart.  This, along with everything else Eskil does, is of course the cutest thing ever.
  • Eskil crawls really quickly like a demon crawler (and occasionally puts his head down and crawls so quickly he runs into things), but he also likes to do a little fast crawl in place for a few moments.  This reminds Scott of the rhinoceros in The Gods Must Be Crazy who stomps out fires. He also still crawls on hands and feet.
  • Eskil loves banging blocks together and also likes to stack things, like blocks, stuffed toys, etc.
  • Eskil grabs my hairbrush and sort of brushes his hair.  He seems to really enjoy feeling the bristles on his scalp.
  • Clapping is still a favourite thing, but the bestest thing in the world now is opening cabinets and drawers.  He could do this all day if we let him.  In some cabinets he has favourite things to get out.  For example, if he is looking in the bathroom cabinet he will immediately get his baby wash out.  I’ve used an odd method of childproofing in the kitchen: Blu Tak.  Strange, yes, but as we’re selling the house soon I didn’t want to do something more permanent that other people might not want.
  • Eskil now has 7 or 8 teeth!  They just keep popping out all over.  Well not all over – in his gums. He still loves clicking and grinding his teeth.  With all these new teeth coming in, he has gotten into a habit of chewing on his fingers.
  • He still loves swimming lessons and any other opportunity to play with water. I bathe him in the shower with me, and when Scott brings him into the bathroom to join me Eskil kicks and laughs and claps.
  • He is continues to do well at daycare. His carers say he is a happy, cheerful boy.  He seems to have private jokes with some of the carers.  Each time one of the girls says his name, he has a big belly chuckle.
  • Lottie is still probably the most exciting thing in Eskil ‘s life.  It’s hard to tell, but he sort of says her name – Lot-la.  He also occasionally says ‘ta’ when we pass something to him – he gets lots of practise at that as he loves passing blocks and other objects back and forth with someone else. 
  • When we get home after daycare, get out of the car, and start walking up our front steps Eskil starts laughing and kicking his legs and clapping because he knows he’s going to see Lottie, the bestest thing ever. The poor little girl doesn’t get much water or food while Eskil is awake and at home because he gets into her bowls, but she sure gets a lot of attention from him.
  • Eskil eats all sorts of food these days.  His favourite food is whatever mummy is eating!

Photos can be seen on Flickr here.

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