12 photos taken on the 12th of April. Not a very exciting day. It was Easter Sunday, aka ‘Chocolate Day’ in our house. We had planned to do a nice long bushwalk on Mt Wellington, however we postponed the walk until the next day because the weather wasn’t looking great. Of course as soon as we’d definately called off the walk, the weather improved. Sigh. Lottie and I did an easy cache and DNFed a multi. A very uneventful day. Photos are available on Flickr by clicking on the sky above 😉
Cache Details
GC1PTTP by Team Bubble Tea
S 42° 51.296 E 147° 17.538
Difficulty is 2 and Terrain is 2
Cache type is Traditional
Container size is Small
It was hidden on: 10/04/2009
Snuva found it on: 12/04/2009 |
14:15 Found: Lottie had such a great time at this cache! We were going to head up the mountain for a few caches and to perform some maintenance, however there was rain on the cacheMobile’s windscreen so decided to leave it until tomorrow. I couldn’t not find one cache and Lottie needed a walk/sniff around, so this cache seemed just the thing. Lottie had a good sniff / run / roll in the long grass, and the mountain enjoyed mocking me as it basked in the autumn sun. The cache was in the logical spot, and I had a sit while I signed the log, admired the fossils, and gazed at the view. Thank you for the cache!
Cache Details
GC1HFEF by Schnee
S 42° 51.614 E 147° 18.054
Difficulty is 2 and Terrain is 2
Cache type is Multi
Container size is Regular
It was hidden on: 24/10/2008
Snuva found it on: 30/12/1899 |
14:34 DNF: don’t know how long ago I started doing this one. I’ve been saving it as my ‘close to home emergency cache’ – the one I know I can grab when other plans fall through but I really want to cache. Today we were going to go caching up the Mountain, however we turned back when the dark clouds started producing rain. Of course as soon as we decided to leave the trip for another day the blue appeared in the sky, the clouds became fluffy and white, and I got grumpy. But Lottie & I drove past the final of this one and I noticed there were no muggles around, so I thought I’d raise the spirits with a quick find. Unfortunately it was not to be! Oh well, at least I still have my ‘close to home emergency cache’! Thanks Schnee! |