Stockings all hungSnuva’s already tucked herself up in her beanbag, so this is Disa being a devil and stealing some space on her website to that THANK YOU to my dad for my new camera!

Scott gave it to me tonight while I was wrapping presents – our Christmas Eve tradition is that ‘we’ (i.e. ‘Disa’) wrap gifts in the evening while the children are at their mum’s traditional Christmas Eve party.  Scott gave me this gift from my father tonight so I’d have time to charge the battery by morning.  It is after midnight (in general I’m not a patient person, but give me gifts to wrap and you can’t stop me – it’s art, man!) and I haven’t had time to stop and read the manual, but here’s a photo of our Christmas stockings ready for Santa.  If you go through to Flickr you can also see our new Christmas tree, Bruce the Colorado Blue Spruce, somewhere under all the decorations.

Well, time for bed.  A Happy Christmas to all, and many your New Year be full of gazing at many fantastic geocaching photos taken by my new camera!

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