Day 3: Tokyo

Ah! Slept in until 8.30! It felt great, although Disa’s face and body in general was strangely swollen. But better to be strangely swollen and exploring Tokyo then strangely swollen at home!

Day 1: Sydney

       Well. Our trip started off on the wrong foot, but what can one expect early in the morning and with little sleep? Scott slept, however Disa didn’t. And despite finally giving up trying before the alarm was…

Day -7: The Count-Down

Here we are, one week from right now we’ll be at Hobart International (snicker) Airport, boarding our plane for the first stage of our latest trip.  We’ll be spending the 31st in Sydney with Lye Yee and her family, then…

Geocaching 101 & my WEEKEND with dak!

A sprout of an idea eventually grew into Geocaching 101, an event to introduce ‘noobies’ (and the non-obsessed – yet. . ) to geocaching and related subjects – not necessarily to go down to the most minute detail, but to…

Heave Ho Me Hearties!

I almost couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the listing for ‘Heave Ho Me Hearties! (an outdoor event)’ published. An event (excellent!) on el golco’s yacht (even more excellent!!). I rather guiltily RSPVed immediately for myself, Scott, and Julian…