Late December Get-Away Day 2: The Warm Up!

Our camp, Egmont Reserve near WestburyDespite attempting to rouse the slaves at a decent hour (7 something am), they did not surface until after 9 am.  And then the coffee ritual (during which for some reason they didn’t want me to go for a morning swim in the river), and THEN the female slave started with the photos.  UGH!





We were finally on the road by 10.30 and headed towards Deloraine for petrol and to try to find more gas for the camping stove (success / failure).  We then were off to the first of our unfound caches in the area, montana.

Falls near Montana, Tasmania

My slaves were slightly confused at first at how to approach this one, however I soon had them set on the correct path – the Tasmanian Trail! – and we were on our way.  This lovely track through the bush lead us past cowering echidnas and bloomin’ bushes until we reached a lovely little waterfall.  Taking a leaf out of Swampy’s logbook we then went straight up the embankment to the cache and logged our find.

Lobster Falls

Next up was ‘Zoidberg is Fallen’, a Team Tiges cache I’ve been looking forward to doing for such a long time.  Along the track I saw muggles with meaty looking lunches (I noted the spot for later snacking), a snake (I noted the spot for later snacking), and an echidna (I noted the spot for later snacking).  The cache itself was located at a falls with a lovely Schnauzer bathing pool – perfect for perfecting my platypus impersonation and drinking.  As we’d made such a late start, by the time we were back at the cacheMobile we made plans to do one drive-by, Devils in Danger, before heading to a former DNF to score the find and bite some lunch.

At Red Ochre Hill we had the cache in our hands after not too much of a kerfuffle (we tried out sirius Tas’s coordinates!) then we headed to the lookout and feasted to my success. Our next finds were some lovely but quick ones at ROB’S MAGIC CAVE and Summer Fun. This area of Tassie is really beautiful, and sometimes I almost don’t pity the people who live up this way. Sometimes.

Next it was off to Cached’s Prodding Cattle Falls, which was a bit more rainforesty then the other walks we’d been on today and a nice cool change – despite how dry it was!  On the way back towards civilisation (i.e. other unfound caches) we also scored robtas’s BRIDGE OVER LITTLE WATER.  Alas, the name is sooo true!

Next we headed to an area not worthy of Schnauzers, down by the banks 2, where I sent my slaves off to find the cache.  They reported back that not only had they found the cache, but some foreign cachers had also logged it today!

Off then we were to OLIVER’S TWIST, a charming lookout where the slaves bored me silly taking photos of things that weren’t me.

The next stop was Cundle’s Cache, which for some reason I had remembered as being a long bushwalk.  (I think I got this impression from the image of Peter Cundle going mad, running through the Tasmanian forests with secteurs flying!)  Instead this was a lovely drive to a little spot which would have been very peaceful had the holiday not attracted fishermuggles to the area.  However they were friendly enough and were obviously quality muggles; one had found the cache the day before, logged their find, and re-hidden the cache.

We then experienced a bit of deja vu at 1,2,3 go then enjoyed the amazing scenery in the area on the way to AMAZING!.  Unfortunately we then experienced the first DNF of the trip at Sally’s Rest Stop.  I hadn’t been here before and it is a lovely lake, however I suspect that Sally’s hide has recently experienced a bit of a BBQ.


Our last cache of the evening was at a charming little overlook.  It was a community made little wooden platform in a homey valley with views to Mt Roland.  And if that wasn’t just too charming for words in itself, there was a waterbowl for dogs there as well.  I felt so welcome!

With the sun getting low in the horizon, it was time to set ourselves up for the next day’s first hunt.  So off we went and made camp at the Leven Canyon near the start of the walk to Wile E. Coyote.  The female slave cooked (despite the low cooking fuel situation) and the HandsomeMan prepared my bedding.  I was convinced I kept hearing wallabies and kangaroos bouncing through the forest, however I was informed that these were actually bouncing boulders and of no interest to me (yeah, right).  So I amused myself by rolling in the ‘bouncing boulder’ scat and covering my fur in buzzies.  A good time was had by all.

Male Slave’s Notes

1) This day is everything I love about Geocaching.  Fantastic walks in places I have never been (Montana, Zoidberg has Fallen, Gadd’s Falls) and would never have gone if not for Geocaching and spectacular scenery I had never seen (Oliver’s Twist, 1,2,3,go, Roland’s View, Gairdener’s Dam etc) and still wouldn’t have without Geocaching.  So thanks to fellow cachers for taking us to these wonderful places.

2) Disa took 197 photographs with her new camera today.  You can enjoy the fruits of her enthusiasm throughout this log and on our Flickr site.

3) On stopping at a Deloraine service station to unsuccessfully search for gas for our camping stove Disa was privileged to witness the following conversation:

Elderly Gentleman (EG): Do you rent trailers?

Young Assistant (YA): Why yes we do, there’s one over there.

EG: Well I should do that one day.

YA: Yes, just need to book it in.

EG; Actually I could use it today, I could hook it up to the back of my blue car.

YA: Yes but I’ll have to check the reservations book.  (YA gets out reservations book and checks it), don’t see anything here.  I’ll just check with Dad to see if he’s taken any resevations. (YA wanders outside slowly, despite the fact that Disa and 2 other people are waiting, to find his father).  Dad have you taken any reservations for the trailer?

YA’s Father (YAF): I don’t believe so but we should check the reservations book.

YA: I checked the book Dad and there are no reservations, I just thought you might have taken one and not put it in the book.

YAF: No son I haven’t taken any reservations but we should check the book.  (YA and YAF wander into the office and check the book despite the fact that YA has already checked it and told YAF that he had).

YAF: There are no reservations in the book son but have you taken any?

The EG took this all in his stride while Disa (famed far and wide for her patience) interupted and asked if they had any gas cylinders.

YAF: No but I’d check with the hardware store (YAF then gave directions to said hardware store)

Disa: Thank you (through forced smile).  [Disa leaves and we are left to wonder if the EG ever did get to rent a trailer.]