Late December Get-Away Day 1: The Departure

Having completed our Christmas and Boxing Day celebrations with family, it was time to make our escape from Hobart and head off into the wild brown yonder!  Although Snuva had set her eyes on going North and East of the Tamar (especially hitting some waterfalls and The Cube), because of the recent bushfires in the area we turned the cacheMobile for the North West.  We weren’t able to leave Hobart before 5 pm, so we made for Westbury where I sent the humans on a mission in Andy’s to re-charge the HandsomeMan’s camera battery (they failed) and send a few stupid random emails from the free internet available there (they succeeded).

We then made our way to our usual camp at Reserved at Egmont; I bet when the Waterwells set this cache they would never have imagined how often we would visit and camp the night here!Â