Euro14 Day 17: Ballachulish – Edinburgh – Chollerford

Temperature: Min 5°C; Max 19°C.
Weather: ROARING rain through Glencoe and Rannoch Moor; overcast through Edinburgh and the Borders.

My mum and Scott were quite keen to go to the Visitor’s Centre at Glencoe, so they went in while the rest of us attended to domestic issues (Eskil’s nappy). We continued through Glencoe and Rannoch Moor, and it wasn’t so much raining as a gigantic sheet of water. The hillsides didn’t have streams or rivulets – the entire hillside just had sheets of water cascading down. It was wet.
A WET drive
Not so much rivulets as the whole mountainside pouring with rain
A wild place
Valley with train bridge
Wet cow
The night before when planning where to go for the day it had become evident that everyone would like another pass through Edinburgh, so we were back! We dropped my mum at the Royal Yacht Britannia in Leith, then the rest of us headed into the city to visit the Scottish National Gallery (superb).
The boys in Edinburgh
Scottish National Gallery!
Scott and Vermeer hanging out!
We then went back to Leith to pick up my mum; luckily we were going through a traffic calmed area.
Traffic Calmed Area
Our destination for the night was Chollerford, south of the border in England.
Scott driving in the borders
Eskil looking out his window
After Eskil was settled in our room, we headed to my parents’ room next door and had the first of many hotel room dinners of Marks & Spencer salads (and wine). It was quite nice.

More photos can be viewed at and at however the order is all over the place as unfortunately I had left my camera time set to Australia and my phone had reset the time to UK time.