Miles travelled: 7619 to 7791 (total of 172 miles / 275 kilometres)
Weather: Clear & sunny.
Highlight of the day: Seeing Mum & Dad & Maria & David & Erik (and geocaches!)
We took photographs of ourselves wearing our wedding clothes at our camp table beside the van. We had intended to do this more often (eg. at Arches, Mesa Verde etc) but it didn’t seem such a good idea faced with the heat and the thought of lugging clothes out to change into. The photos didn’t turn out all that well as we balanced the camera on a rock and used the self timer, which didn’t work very well.
9:26 Left camp to geocache our way home. We started out around Mariposa, then made our way to Merced. While seeking a cache there, we had lunch (as there had been too many muggles near GZ and we needed to wait them out!), then made our way back to Gilroy via Los Banos and Hecker Pass. Disa drove the last bit home and somehow found her way straight to Kirigan from Gilroy; we reached Kirigan at 5 pm and chatted to Maria, David, and their friends who were visiting for dinner. (Quality friends – both had been to Australia and even had visited Tasmania!) They offered to let us join them, however we were feeling rather unsociable in our non-showered, no clean clothes state, so we left and arrived at 5 .22 pm to inflict ourselves upon Mum and Dad. The odometer read 7791 when we stopped in the drive; when we’d left 17 days previously it had been 4224. And here we were, 3567 miles or 5707 kilometres later!
Dad was up and about and welcomed us home. We unpacked the van a bit, took showers, put some wash on, and sat around the table over dinner and told mum and dad of our travels.