Cabin Fever

Well, if there are two days in a given 7 that are going to bucket down rain, I guess you wouldn’t make a lot of money betting on them being Saturday and Sunday.  I know I shouldn’t complain as 1) we really need the rain and 2) I’ve had a stuffed up nose I can’t shake off so should be resting anyway.  However the rain Saturday and this morning didn’t make me happy.  RapidSupreme has recently mentioned that one of this caches, School of Rock, will be archived in the new year.  It’s not in a dog friendly area, so it’s been put off and off, but I really need to get there now.  (Hopefully he’s archiving it as he’ll be back in the country and will put something new out there??)

Anyway, with the weather what was it was I did nothing on Saturday and more of the same Sunday morning.  The only thing I really achieved was that I started drafting several entries I haven’t yet published from our last trip to the US (yes, over a year ago).  But keep in mind that Lottie’s only just over 2 years old: this inaction was turning her crazy with cabin fever.  So when things started brightening up and blue could be seen in the sky early this afternoon, she started upping the urgency of her whinging.  LET ME BOUNCE, LET ME BOUNCE.  Of course being a human, I suddenly wanted to get all the things done that the rain had prevented me doing before: a load or two of wash done and out to dry, the seed pods clipped off the lupins, a bit of weeding the veggie patch.  Just a few quick things. 

I was about to load up the GSPr and go when Scott arrived home and Lottie took matters into her own paws:  she staged a prison break as he came through the door.  Usually she just dances around us when one of us comes home, so I wasn’t expecting her to bolt out the gate and dance on the street!  She happily ran about until I started the car, then she happily jumped into it.  I didn’t want her to think that she was being rewarded for this behaviour, so I took her back into the house for a few minutes before we actually left.  (Scott pointed out that she’s really probably not clever enough to think she’s trained us.)

We went out in search of scottie&lochie’s new hide, Kooka’s Playground.  The cache was quickly found, however we wandered around a bit enjoying the sights (me) and the sniffs (Lottie).  I love little bits of bushland tucked into the middle of suburbia.  Not that we don’t have tonnes of bushland all around us, but it’s nice to see that the bits near civilisation haven’t been all eaten up.

So that’s all.  That’s our weekend.  I’d best go before I burn dinner!!