28 Month Review

A very late post – first we went away, then our website was ruthlessly attacked.  It’s all been fixed up by and moved across to VCSWEB.net.  Hooray!

And now back to me. . .

  • I HAVE A BIKE I HAVE A BIKE I HAVE A BIKE.  It is blue, has a yellow seat (Eskil’s seat), and a red tray for my monkey and other precious objects to ride in.  And I have a helmet and I ride my bike inside and outsite the house and sometimes my bike comes to the park with me and when I wake  up in the morning I clap my hands because I’m so excited the bike is still in the house and I HAVE A BIKE.
    Rating: Eskillent!
  • Monkey George is my bestest friend.  He doesn’t go to day care with me, but he goes everywhere else, including to bed with me for naps and sleeps.  Before I go to bed, I help him dance and do Iggle Piggle’s good bye.
    Rating: MY Monkey.
  • I love hammers.  And I have friends at day care: Archie, Oscar, and Rhys.  And I love pretending I’m tooting a horn.

And now a few photos of me.
Lottie and Eskil playing in the waves

Playing bedtime with Monkey

Monkey kissing MonkeyBike riding on the deck

A tiny boy on a big slide

Eskil making Monkey walk

Take time out to stop and lick the roses

Run run run run run

Zooming in the courtyard

Sheep over the back fence

Monkey Driving Teddy Bear

Daddy reading a Curious George book to Curious George and Eskil

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