A very late post – first we went away, then our website was ruthlessly attacked. It’s all been fixed up by and moved across to VCSWEB.net. Hooray!
And now back to me. . .
- I HAVE A BIKE I HAVE A BIKE I HAVE A BIKE. It is blue, has a yellow seat (Eskil’s seat), and a red tray for my monkey and other precious objects to ride in. And I have a helmet and I ride my bike inside and outsite the house and sometimes my bike comes to the park with me and when I wake up in the morning I clap my hands because I’m so excited the bike is still in the house and I HAVE A BIKE.
Rating: Eskillent! - Monkey George is my bestest friend. He doesn’t go to day care with me, but he goes everywhere else, including to bed with me for naps and sleeps. Before I go to bed, I help him dance and do Iggle Piggle’s good bye.
Rating: MY Monkey. - I love hammers. And I have friends at day care: Archie, Oscar, and Rhys. And I love pretending I’m tooting a horn.
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