25 Month Review

Yes, yes – this is being published Very Late.  First Eskil was too ill to perform the review, then mummy was too ill to transcribe the review – and then when we were both feeling better there was a backlog of stuff to do.  But here it is!

  • My favourite way of making exciting new phrases is still to show that the things I love are mine:  Eskil’s digger, MY bike, Eskil’s car, Eskil’s sunrise, etc.  The other day daddy noticed that we could see the moon in the middle of the day, so I made sure to point out that it is Eskil’s moon.  The electric driveway gate is ‘hey beep beep’.
    Rating: ESKIL’S DIGGER!!
  • My throat was so sore while I was ill that I didn’t eat much, but once I was better I discovered a new Only Food: cous cous.  I even just love saying the work ‘cous cous’.  I’m happy to live on milk and cous cous mixed with black bean refried beans.
    Rating: More cous cous?
  • I am a very independent young man.  I have gotten up the courage to not only touch the digger in the neighbourhood – Eskil’s digger – but also to sit on the seat.  I make certain to tell mum and dad that I’d like to do this as we approach by saying ‘walk – digger – yeah?’.  And I’m very spatially aware: it’s not good trying to drive down a different street to avoid the digger.  ESKIL’S DIGGER!
    Rating: Needs improvement; walk – digger – yeah!
  • I have decided that the jets in the bath must be turned on and off continually, no matter how many bubbles are in the bath.  If the bubbles get so deep they are over my head, I can simply sit on mummy’s lap.  So what’s the problem?
    Rating: On – off – bubbles, yeah!.
  • I have invented several super terrificly awesome games.
    • One is called ‘bedtime’, and I only play it with mummy.  This game is played in mummy’s bed, and when I declare it bedtime we get under the doona, alternating between hiding and lifting the doona.  At my whim we shift sides – MY side, mummy’s side. 
    • Another game is played with mummy’s red leather chair, and it has fantastic rules that are so very complex and sophisticated that mummy doesn’t seem to understand them.  I might get on the chair and expect her to throw Velvet and the foxes and Curious George over the side (or make them peer around the edge).  When I declare ‘my turn’ we reverse positions and something else wonderful and too sophisticated for mummy to understand happens. 
    • Another super terrific game I’ve invented it for mummy and daddy to ride my bike (which is what I call my new red racing car) with me!  They think this is excruciatingly uncomfortable, but whatever – it makes me happy.
      Rating:  My turn!

And now a few photos of me:

Train time!

Train time!


Eskil has decided that the boy in ‘Quick as a Cricket’ from his cousin Mandie is ESKIL.



He got up the courage to touch the digger!

He got up the courage to touch the digger!

My Boy

More Roro (Yogurt)!!!!!  Bliss in a cup.

More Roro (Yogurt)!!!!! Bliss in a cup.

Muddy puddles!

Muddy puddle found while out geocaching!

Mummy, ROCK!!

Mummy, ROCK!!

Baby in a basket

Lottie thinks it’s comfy, so why not try it?

Zooming by on his 'bike'

Zooming by on his ‘bike’ at the train park

He's swimming!

Eskil's bling!

Somehow we started calling Lottie’s collar and tags her dog bling. Eskil likes to wear it and say ‘Eskil’s bling’.

The Bib Boys

This is why you have a spa bath - bubble mountain!

Sitting on my lap because the bubbles were getting so deep!

Eskil at Constitution Dock. BOAT!!!

Eskil at Constitution Dock. BOAT!!!

Goofy kid.  :-)

Thrilled to be on his digger!

Thrilled to be on his digger!

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