12 of 12, March 2009

My Morning CoffeeI love the idea of the ’12 of 12′ project: take 22 pictures on the 12th day of each month.  Why?  For several reasons.

We often go out of our way to photograph special things or special days, however lose all documentation of what everyday life is like.  I’ve lived all sorts of interesting places, however while you are living there your surroundings are just your surroundings.  At the time you tend to think nothing about your walk to work being surrounded by picturesque Swiss alps, or your bus to uni traveling through the forecourt of the Louvre museum, or passing through Sydney’s Chinatown to get to work.  But years later even the interior of your boring old bedroom can seem an interesting glimpse into the past.  I’ve tried not to let the things I see daily blend into the background, but it is inevitable they will to some extent.

I’m also interested in the everyday lives of others.  I’ll admit it: if I’m walking around a neighbourhood at night and curtains are open, how can I resist looking in?  I’m not trying to see anything illicit – I’m just watching humans in their natural habitat.  In fact, I’m even happy if there are no humans at all – just seeing a room can be interesting.  But what might seem like ‘just another day’ to one person can be very interesting to another.  As 12 of 12 means the day you record isn’t one of your choosing, it gives an lovely random sample of what is happening to people when you look at a group.  In the small group I know what have done it this month, one was in Paris for work, one was at a festival, another person’s friend was laid off his job, another had a ‘typical’ work day – but I notice was also reading up on Tasmania for an upcoming trip.  An interesting sampling.

The more time passes, the more the everyday lives of others becomes more fascinating to me.  Have you ever looked into an old photo and seen how different but how similar their world was?  If you think this is interesting and ever have the chance, go to York Castle Museum.  I loved it and went several times when I lived in York.

Anyway, for me the 12th of March 2009 was a fairly typical day.  I got out of bed slightly earlier than usual as my husband had a breakfast to attend in town.  But he still made me coffee at home, then I went in to work.  After work we got bento boxes from Kawasemi in Moonah, then went home.  Not an interesting day, but it was my day.  Anyway, photos are available on Flickr by clicking on the photo of my morning coffee above.

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